Saturday, November 24, 2007

Propaganda in Russia from 1917 to Stalin's death...

Propaganda has a history more packed and stretched than any other kind of history in the world. It has been experienced in every day life from the beginning of humans to precisely this second of our life. Propaganda is any way that information is spread, to proceed in promoting a cause or to damage an opposing cause. Propaganda is used so that it gives emotional response to the audience rather than using reasoning or proves for its audience to believe in it. Therefore it usually implies illogical relationships. Propaganda tells people what to think, what to believe and does it so people believe it fully, without any doubt of its truth. It is practiced throughout history and the present in various ways. Examples are in educating youngsters, through media, corporations, governments etc. It often involves censorship, therefore, propaganda usually uses untruth or manipulate the truth to make people believe a false or not entirely true idea. Propaganda is the key to history, present and even the future! Through the various methods of propaganda, we can know why societies in the world believe and act the way they do. We can also gain a wider perspective of the world through the real truth, and the truth that the people were forced or brainwashed in believing because of propaganda.

Now I will present 6 propaganda posters that were shown during the period of 1917 until Stalin’s death.

At the bottom of this poster reads “We are READY for work!”. This poster is a strong form of propaganda. The purpose of this poster is to have more workers working for the country, to be specific, its target are the farmers. By saying that they are ready for work, it indirectly tells the audience (targeting farmers) to work hard. This poster indicates that if the Russians are able to say this phrase, the country would be proud of them. This form of propaganda psychologically affects the reader. As you can see in the poster, the main person is the woman with a determined and ready look on her face. She looks healthy, well-fed and most importantly, quite happy to be saying “We are READY for work!”. Without even realizing themselves, after reading the message, the Russians get the feeling of pride for working hard and of course would want to continue working hard to make the country proud. This poster proves very effective as the message and purpose is clearly passes across and soaked into the audiences’ brain. Yet it is hardly noticed by the audience.

On the upper right corner of this poster is written “The future is with us!” While at the bottom center is written “Leninism is our ideal!”. At first sight, the audience would see the three black and white people; then their eyes would probably move to read the upper corner words. Lastly they would read the bottom center words. The word Lenin would bring them to realize that Lenin was in the background of the picture! This is another tricky propaganda poster. The phrase “the future is with us!” is directing its audience to three groups of people, the workers, the farmers, and middle class people. The workers are substituted in the poster by the man with the hat, the farmers would probably be the woman, and the middle class people are represented by the man furthest from view. The message “Leninism is our ideal” is actually the vital part though. Of course, the people reading it wouldn’t realize that it’s that message that the poster was trying to give. After reading the poster, their brain would automatically see Leninism as a synonym for giving them a bright future. Without realizing, after they have read the poster, the message to support Lenin and his ideas has been successfully passed.

The white writing on the top left corner reads, “Don’t look where the bosses point their fingers to – have your own mind!”. This poster might’ve been created during a revolutionary period of Russia. Whoever created this poster knows that people were unhappy with their life already, the people wanted change, yet they still followed their leaders. When this sort of person sees this poster, they automatically thinks: yeah, why am I always following my boss and doing things that made no improvement, don’t I have my own mind? This poster would also be put up during a period when revolutionaries are striking. This suggests the audience to join that revolutionary party. The reader might’ve been thinking about joining the revolutionary movement already but this final propaganda poster gives them the decisive action to join. This poster, without ever suggesting the audience to join a revolutionary party, using indirect words such as “point their fingers” referring to whatever the people were forced to do, and “bosses” referring to whoever rules that they are unhappy with. This message might in majority be directing at not peasants or workers, because the smaller figure, seems to be a person with power in society, just not the most powerful. The message is successfully planted into the readers’ mind and would even be the final push to make the reader decide to join in the revolutionary party.

This is a poster of Stalin with a Red flag that reads, VKPB or the communist party in the background. The poster is titled at the bottom “Josef Vissarionovich Stalin” which is his full name. Stalin is holding PRAVDA, the truth which is a communist newspaper. This poster uses propaganda through psychological means. First they used his full name as to show respect, suggesting to the audience that Stalin s a great man. Next, it is also sort of an advertisement to read the newspaper PRAVDA (which is probably a censored newspaper) because if this great man Stalin is reading PRAVDA, shouldn’t everyone read it too? Showing Stalin dressed in a military uniform with Hero of the Soviet Union medal shows that he is a qualified warrior with a lot of accomplishment. And of course, this is to gain respect from the poster’s audience. Then lastly, in the picture, Stalin is looking far off, may be in to the horizon and beyond, with (as described by a writer on the internet) “the Mona Lisa smile” expression. This tells the audience that the future would be great. Yes, the poster is, in simple words, telling the audience that with Stalin as their leader, their future would be wonderful.

This poster’s main subject is Lenin with a phrase saying: “The symbol of peace – symbol of socialism” in the middle. Aside from Lenin, there is the Spasskij tower of the Kremlin and the Parliament building to the right and left. This poster is saying making Lenin act as the bright sign shining on Russia . Russia is symbolized by these two buildings. The Spasskij tower symbolizes eternality. The poster is saying that Lenin is a symbol of peace and socialism, eternally shining the way for the Russians. It gives that impression so the people would believe and support Lenin. Putting the word “peace” and “socialism” together suggests that a socialist government would provide peace. At that time, the Russians would do anything for peace. Looking at the poster in a whole, it makes Lenin and Socialism having direct ties with “peace”. Seeing this poster, the audience would naturally support socialism and Lenin and therefore, the purpose of this poster is fulfilled.

In this poster, the ballot says: “ For the Motherland, for Stalin, for World Peace, for Communism.” This is extreme propaganda to promote Stalin. Reading this, the people would get the impression that all these words means the same thing because supporting any one of the ideas would mean supporting all of them. Seeing all these words having a common meaning, the audience would support it. The people during that period wanted peace and were quite nationalistic, so they would support those two ideas. Then, seeing that communism could bring peace, they would support that too. And without knowing, the reader had automatically supported Stalin because communism and Stalin meant almost the same idea. Having gone through that process, the purpose of this poster is fulfilled as now they people is brainwashed with the idea that Stalin meant peace and they wanted peace, so therefore, they would fully support Stalin.

As you can see, propaganda plays many roles during the Russian Revolution. It promoted ideas of revolutionaries, leaders, and what was wanted of the Russians. Propaganda was a very important source to get the people to feel revolutionary. It also promoted leaders so that the people would support and respect him. Having the support and respect for the leader wasn’t enough to control the people, so propaganda is again used to get the people to perform tasks for the country like farming surplus. Russian people were taught what to believe and told what to believe. They were blocked from the full truth because of severe censorship. They believed, trusted, respected their leader fully because the leader’s greatness was planted and had rooted inside their hearts so entirely that their brain couldn’t interfere with the truth. For Russia, propaganda to the leaders meant obedience, but to the people of Russia, it meant a lies or covered-up truth that they were brainwashed with. Nevertheless, propaganda proved its power on the history of Russia. Without the use of propaganda, the vast amount of people in Russia would’ve been impossible to please and control.

Thursday, August 23, 2007


Look at todays women: they do all the things a man does. She goes to work, she votes, she have all the rights a man have. Well, they have to say a word of gratitude to those in the 1960s. Look at todays extremely COOL rock bands: May be if it wasn't for the TREMENDOUS hit of the Beatles, we would be still stuck with slow "romantic" music. I mean JUST look at the people today. The world is colorblind. Everyone is treated the same. Now, who do we say thanks for that? MARTIN LUTHER KING Jr. ofcourse! The 1960s is the birth to the Hippie Era, the first Barbie Doll..and the list goes on. This period, 1960-1969 was known as the period of young people. Young people didn't want to be repetitive of their previous generations, they wanted change. And change, was what they got.

Important Events of the Decade
The civil rights movements was partly in the decade of 1960-1969. This movement included getting voting rights, general rights and just EQUALNESS to the blacks (mostly in the south) to whites. Involving lots of marching, gathering of blacks, and determined acts of many black leaders, like Martin Luther King Jr., the blacks finally got the rights they deserved.

This was also the decade for WOMEN!! Since the year 1961, President John F. Kennedy started making females EQUAL to males. Eleanor Roosevelt played a big part in letting females have same rights as all men. "The Feminine Mystique" was a famous book about female rights at that time written by Betty Friedan and published in 1963. This book fiercely states that females can do MORE than housework and producing children. The next year, there was a Civil Rights passed saying that all jobs are to be for BOTH sex. Later on, females like Margaret Chase Smith, Patsy Takemoto Mink, Shirley Chisholm, became just few of the women that became leaders in their country.
In 1966, MAO ZHE DONG started the cultural revolution. This was when he moved urban kids into less urbanized places to work. It involved a lot of killings of intellectuals, closing of schools and burning of books which he felt shouldn't be widely read. He organized a group called the Red Guard that consist largely of students. This movement which gradually slowing down to its stop when his place as the leader of the group was taken over in 1969. The cultural revolution dropped the economic and industrial part of China greately. This period also was the massive increase of people in China for his quote was something like, "The more the people, the more powerful we are", so then people were have 5 or more children no matter how poor they were.

This decade was the climax for the "Hippie Era". It started with a movement called the youth movement where most of the members are white teenagers and young adults around 15~25. The nature of Hippie is that they didn't like nuclear weapon and the Vietnam War, while are for sexual liberation, usually vegetarian. They used music as a way to express feelings and their ideas or thought. They loved peace, love and ofcourse FREEDOM. The Beatles were also somewhat influenced by the Hippie Era.

Important PEOPLE of this Decade


The civil rights movement started with Martin Luther King in the 1960s. It went on its climax on August 28, 1963, when Martin Luther King gave his extremely famous speech, "I have a Dream" in Lincoln Memorial. Because of his strong desire to win rights for the blacks, he was arrested in Selma, Alabama on February 1965. In 1968, he was killed in Memphis by a guy in the name of James Earl Ray. A memorial was made in 1968 in the King Centre for him, letting us remember that WITHOUT him..the blacks wouldn't have had a fair life.
The Beatles have the MOST POWERFUL HIT to this decade on music. there were 4 memebers in this pop band all from Liverpool in England: John Lennon, Paul McCartney, George Harrison and Richard Starkey. The influence that the BEATLES had in this specific decade was known as the BEATLEMANIA! The Beatles released their first album in U.S. on February 7, 1964

He was the leader of China and the chairman of the communist party. It was his last years of ruling that he started the cultural revolution. The reason was he was worried that outside influence would change China to what's more like the ideas of socialism like he had seen happen to Russia. He was stubborn to keep china the way it is, with communism. During the cultural revolution, intellectuals are not only verbally insulted but also physically attacked. Chinese respects Mao greately even today. But if there's one thing they feel he had done wrong, it was the Cultural Revolution.


Birth control pills became vacant and used greatly in the year 1967. In the same year, abortion became legal in many places. This revolution showed the world that women indeed are getting their rights. This is because once a women is allowed to have a choice between having babies or not, it proves that women have same rights on the baby as the men.
During heart surgery, Dr. Michael DeBakey used an artificial heart so it could temporally take over the functions of the heart in the year 1963 and the human managed to live for 4 days!! The first heart transplant was on 1967

John H. Glenn, Jr. was the FIRST human to rotate the earth in 1962. He did it in 4 hours and 55 minutes. THAT'S FAST. I think.
Later in the year1969, Neil Armstrong opened a new field of study as he took his premier step on the MOON.


Barbie Dolls that were first sighted in 1959 became and fad in the sixties. Barbie Dolls with different names like G.I.Joe were models of boys for the boys. They even had a doll called the troll or Dammit doll for GOOD LUCK.
This decade had a fashion that was that blacks, both females and males wear afro head.

1969 was also the beginning of what later became known as the gay rights movements.

To wrap it up, I just have a tiny comment. This is a lesson, taught by people those brilliant people in this decade. This is a lesson that took a decade to tell. They are telling us to do what we thinks is RIGHT. I mean, really, they didn't HAVE to get rights for themselves. They didn't HAVE to SPEAK for themselves. They didn't HAVE to have their UNIQUENESS in FASHION or MUSIC. They didn't HAVE to ANYTHING. Yet, they did. THey did it for themselves. Their decade. And for the future. For us.

I give my thanks to EVERYONE, in the decade of 1960-1969 for GIVING ME a life of EQUALNESS, of PEACE, and HAPPINESS.

Tuesday, August 21, 2007


